Well, I survived my 10 year reunion this weekend so I thought I would reminisce about it. I was actually really looking forward to seeing my old friends that I don't keep in contact with as much as I would like to. I wasn't disappointed as a lot of them showed up. Some moments were awkward, which was to be expected, but for the most part I had a lot of fun. With each person that I talked to, came another funny or stupid story from high school. You know, the kind of stories that you wrote in their yearbook about. "I'll never forget so and so's dad running after us in his whitie-tighties...keep in touch...stay sweet..."
One thing I was disappointed about was that I had hoped to hear those mid-to-late 90's songs that always bring back those high school memories, but I didn't. I had a dance routine like the one in Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion all planned out...guess I'll just save it for the 20 year reunion. I had also hoped to tell off my high school bully, but she wasn't there...that can wait too though...

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