Since this seems like a monthly recurring post, I thought I'd start titling as such. I took the girls into the doctor today because Ivy woke up a couple times last night complaining of ear pain and Ada's been sick with a cold and cough for a couple weeks now. The doctor said they both have ear infections, Ivy's left ear and Ada's right ear. He prescribed some Amoxicillin and some ear drops that are supposed to help with the pain. I'm excited to see if they work because we've never been offered that prescription before. Mental note to self...find a drive-thru pharmacy in Lincoln BESIDES Walgreen's! UGH. It is so painful every time I go there, that I vow never to use them again. But the drive-thru is so much more convenient than taking two sick kids out in the cold so they can wait in the lobby there with a bunch of other sick people. That being said...Walgreen's drive-thrus are so worthless that I'd almost rather just go inside some mom and pop pharmacy...