Ok, so Lincoln has a few of these lights (mostly downtown) that have a countdown timer on the "don't walk" sign. I feel like this is the best invention ever, while other drivers seem to think it's a reason to slow down at green lights. I'll explain. So you're driving along and you notice the don't walk sign is blinking...normally, you'd just have to guess at when that light is going to turn yellow. Well, with the countdown sign, you get like a 12 second warning of when that yellow light is coming. So if you're 2 blocks away with 2 seconds left, you know that you can prepare to stop because you're not going to make it through the light. Last night, I was within 30 feet of the light with 3 seconds left and the car in front of me slowed down to a stop, BEFORE the light even turned yellow! So you see, it's both a blessing and a curse...but mostly a blessing...I hope they pop up around town more.