Well for starters, i designed a new website for my blog. It's hard to get motivated to work on your own website when you spend a lot of time doing websites for other people. I guess you could compare it to the handyman that doesn't want to come home and fix problems with his own house. Anyway, I think this site looks a lot nicer and hopefully you all like it too.

In other news, we bought a new house, and closed on it on October 14th...so we're no longer homeless. We actually have been living there since September 20th because the builder was kind enough to let us rent it for a few weeks.

The girls' have a new daycare that's a block away from our new house, so that rocks! They really like it there, lots of kids their own age to play with. On Wednesdays the "Cartwheel Bus" comes over and they do gymnastics and other fun stuff in an old tricked out school bus. Here are a couple new pictures of the girls & new house...

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