So I just have to blog about a call I got at work today because I haven't been able to stop laughing about it. Someone transferred this call to me, so I assumed it was because they specifically needed my help. He said "hi this is Greg, I just need you to double-check the model number on your copier". I almost got up because we're actually having our copier replaced next week. Just then, I remembered that I got a call like this when I worked at Charter. Back then I fell for it; got up, walked all the way over to the copier, checked the model number and reported back to him only to find out that he just wanted to sell me something for it. So this time would be different, "Greg" I said, "Where are you calling from?" I could sense the disappointment in his voice, realizing that I was on to him, "the hole in your butt crack" he says. "What was that?" I replied. He tried to mumble, but I still understood him, "your butt crack".  "My butt crack?", I said. "Yeah", he replied. "Nice try Greg" I said with a smile, and hung up on him. I had such sympathy for him though, as I can only imagine how much I would hate cold calling businesses trying to sell them a great deal on toner. Plus, that's about the funniest thing I've heard in a decade, so he scores points there too. Cheers Greg...