I took the girls out to Hazel Abel park to take their pictures today and we had a great time. This was the park that we stopped at on the way to our wedding reception to take some pictures so I wanted to bring the girls there. Here are a few of the shots I got...
So this morning Ivy came into our room at 7 o'clock, hopped in bed, put her arms around me and said "I love you, mom..I'm never gonna let you go". *heart melting*
We went up to Omaha last night to see Ryan Bingham play at the Waiting Room and had a blast. We met up with friends Valerie and Erin and jammed out in the front row. He's probably most commonly known for the songs he contributed to the Crazy Heart soundtrack. Here's a video for your enjoyment :)
The girls have had a rough couple weeks. Eric stayed home with them last Monday because Ivy had pink eye and Ada hasn't felt well either. He took them to the doc to get Ivy some drops, and lo and behold, Ada had an ear infection. Apparently her tube was blocked by wax, so we got some drops and an antibiotic to clear that up. Ivy's pink eye was gone shortly after and we thought we were on the road to recovery. Then Saturday night Ivy said her ear hurt, so I took her to the doc on Sunday and sure enough, she had an ear infection. She's feeling much better after the antibiotic, and although the girls seem to be on their way to recovery, I have picked up whatever they were passing around. I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck. All I can say is TGFM - Thank God for Mucinex! I'm just praying that Eric doesn't get a man-cold as a result of this..
One of my New Year's resolutions is to keep my blog updated. I love looking back at things we've done, or funny things the kids have said. I just need to make time to sit down and type!
Well something that is too cute not to blog about is what Ada calls Fruit Loops. She repeats about anything you ask her to say, so we try to think of funny or difficult words for her. One of our favorites is to hear her say absolutely. So we spend a lot of time saying "Ada, can you say absolutely?". She also loves to eat Fruit Loops cereal, so for some reason when she asks for some, she'll say "I want some absoloops". Here's a video of a few cute things we like to hear her say...
Ivy learned this song at Tami's for their daycare Christmas program and I caught it on tape and had to share!
I took Ivy and Ada in for their well-child checkups today and it turns out they weren't so well. When the doctor looked in Ivy's ear, she looked at me and said "Has she been complaining about this ear at all?"..then she looked in Ada's throat and said.."Oh wow, you've got some troopers here if they haven't been complaining." So Ivy has an ear infection and she thought Ada had a sinus infection and sore throat, so they're both on Amoxicillin now. Other than that, they are doing fine, growing well, hitting the milestones. Ivy is 36 lbs and 40.75" tall (57%/66%); Ada is 31.4 lbs and 34" tall (91%/53%).
Just a quick post about the girls' birthday party we had this weekend. We invited our families over for some sloppy joes (thanks, mom) cake and ice cream. It was a gorgeous day so we were able to spend some time playing outside as well. The girls had a princess themed party and gave away some fake jewelry and tiaras to the cousins. Here are a couple pics of my little princesses.
We got some complimentary tickets to Vala's pumpkin patch this year from Eric's uncle Tim (which were greatly appreciated as the tickets were like $12 each!) so we took the girls there today. The weather was beautiful, sunny and a little chilly, but perfect for pumpkin patchin'. We ran into Eric's cousin Corey and his family which was nuts because there must've been several thousand people there. We ate lunch with them and then headed off on our own to the hay rack ride. Then we went around and pet some animals, checked out the pumpkin shooter, and grabbed a funnel cake and some other goodies. Here are a few pictures from the day...
We went to Omaha yesterday for my cousin Beth's wedding and had a blast! The venue was such a cool spot, downtown, outdoor wedding...then inside for the reception which was equally as cool. The food, drinks and music were all awesome and we danced all night. Eric even took the girls back to the hotel so I could stay and pack in some more cousin time. Congrats to Beth and Brian, wishing you the best!